Weekend birth preparation class 

For English-speaking couples


“A positive birth experience is no coincidence – together we’ll prepare for that special day and the time after that!”


Bringing new life to this world is probably the most exciting thing that can happen! Preparation and knowledge are so valuable, especially when you are not speaking the language and not giving birth in your home country.
This course will prepare you for this adventure and includes:

  • Preparing for Labour
  • Start & Progress of Labour
  • Pain Management during Labour
  • Breathing, Relaxation & Comfort techniques
  • How your partner supports you best
  • What awaits you in the hospital
  • “German” procedure/registration for Labour
  • Hospital bag
  • Post-partum period
  • Life with your newborn / bonding with your baby
  • Breastfeeding & Newborn Care

As we start in a solely round of women (Friday), it’s the perfect opportunity for topics such as: emotional part of giving birth, preparing for labour, birth injuries (prevention), breastfeeding, your new role as a mother, packing your hospital bag, shopping for your baby, and all the questions that are important to you.
The second meeting (Sunday) is the perfect opportunity to prepare for labour and the first time with the baby, together as a couple. We will talk about everything you need to know about labour, postpartum period, and what awaits you in the hospital. Together we will practice breathing, relaxation & comfort techniques as well as birth positions. Your partner will also learn how he/she can support you best. You can always ask questions!
You will leave the course with a positive and happy feeling and the trust, that you can give birth of your baby!
The optimal time to attend the course is 4-8 weeks before your due date.
You want to attend the class without a partner? No problem, you are very welcome!



Parkstrasse 101
65191 Wiesbaden



Vanessa Wagner, Doula



April Course:

  • 04.04.2025,
    9:30 am – 1:00 pm VIA Zoom (women’s round only)
  • 06.04.2025,
    9:30 am – 1:00 pm
    (together with your partner)

June Course:

  • 13.06.2025,
    9:30 am – 1:00 pm VIA Zoom (women’s round only)
  • 15.06.2025,
    9:30 am – 1:00 pm
    (together with your partner)



The course fee is 160 Euro for women and an additional 40 Euro for partners.


Please note that the course fee is a private service and cannot be billed to the public health insurance.




Please include your partner's name and your due date in the registration form.



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(Headerbild: © mOmentum fotografie | Miriam Bender)

